CONTENTS 1st term
-Start and maintain a conversation
Spb unit 1 pg 10
-Announce and respond to good and
bad news. Spb 2 pg 16
-Ask, give or refuse permission (Spb
unit 3 pg 22) Give, accept or refuse invitations pg 28 (Spb unit 4) + interview about a school trip (pg 21
act 10)
Smart Time
1.Describing a job pg 17
2.Narrating experiences pg 29
3.Narrating experiences pg 43
Topics for speaking:
Topic 1: Family relationship
Topic 2: What would you do if you
won the lottery?
Topic 3: Talk about your favourite
Description of a job
or narration of a trascendent event/world problem (eg. News, refugees, poverty, climate change)
Romeo and Juliet
-A blog entry about a
persons´s job pg18-19
-A semi-formal thank-you letter.
Estructuras lingüístico-discursivas
Aspectos gramaticales
Presente simple y continuo de los verbos Presente
Perfecto con for y since Verbos like,
love, hate, enjoy + ing (Spb unit 1) Pasado
simple y continuo.
temporales: -ing, when, while, as, as soon
as, before, after.(Spb unit 2) Pasado simple y presente
perfecto simple.
Conectores: and, but, because, so, both.(Spb unit3)
Future with will/won´t, may/might, going to or
present continuous (Spb unit 4)
Family members, verbos sobre relaciones personales, (Spb unit 1) Palabras
que expresan emociones, verbos frasales con give (Spb unit 2) Verbos frasales con go,
viajes.(Spb unit 3)
and prepositions (Spb unit 4)